Don't waste time automating anything until you've mapped this out...

The workshop that demystifies and simplifies how to build a flawless customer journey

BFF Workshop - Customer Journey Training - Cheryl Rerick

“I wish someone would map out how this is all supposed to work”

Ever feel like that?

Then my Business Freedom Framework™ is for you

Regular Price $97

Ruth Gilbey testimonial

"I thought it was a brilliant masterclass and would go so far as to say it's one of those must-watch masterclasses for planning out your marketing and sales."


Online Business Collective &
Inspiring Women in Business Podcast

Bring order to the chaos...

My Business Freedom Framework is built on the concept of Lifecycle Marketing - you may have also heard this called the “customer journey” or the “sales process”.

It’s the experience that your leads and clients are currently having with your business

You need to know... they are having these experiences with your business whether you realize it or not. Whether you’ve set it up intentionally or not. It’s happening.


Your ability to make more profit is directly tied to these experiences. 

FUN FACT: For 95% of people, it takes 7-12 interactions before they buy from you

And yet most entrepreneurs are focused on getting LEADS… but they don’t think about creating an intentional follow-up journey for those leads - and that’s where you make the most bank. 


Bring order to the chaos...

My Business Freedom Framework is built on the concept of Lifecycle Marketing - you may have also heard this called the “customer journey” or the “sales process”.

It’s the experience that your leads and clients are currently having with your business

You need to know... they are having these experiences with your business whether you realize it or not. Whether you’ve set it up intentionally or not. It’s happening.


Your ability to make more profit is directly tied to these experiences. 

FUN FACT: For 95% of people, it takes 7-12 interactions before they buy from you

And yet most entrepreneurs are focused on getting LEADS… but they don’t think about creating an intentional follow-up journey for those leads - and that’s where you make the most bank. 

Business Freedom Framework™ is the process of perfecting this client experience - from start to finish

So you can stop losing leads and clients as they fall through the cracks

What sets my Business Freedom Framework™ apart...

We're diving one level deeper... I invite you to consider YOUR journey as an entrepreneur as well. 


You've been taught to focus on your client. But what about you... how do you build the kind of business you actually WANT?


Especially as online business owners - freedom is a top reason we started this gig in the first place.


I don’t want you to hustle and pour your heart + soul into growing a business, only to wake up one day with inevitable burnout and wondering if it's all even worth it. I know too many entrepreneurs that ended up growing businesses they hate.

Let’s build your business to complement your lifestyle

Cheryl Rerick

There's never been a better time to stop all the busy-work

We could all stand to do a little less, yeah?

You'll be able to stop dropping leads through the cracks, love on your clients more, make more profit, and still have way more time on your hands for all the real-life shit you've been missing out on.


(like picking your kids up from school, ...or binging trashy reality shows in the middle of the day... no judgment here  👀)


I want your business to work for you - even when you aren’t working.


And the way we do that... is with automation.


...if that sounds intimidating and you are backing away slowly with an eyebrow raised… STOP RIGHT THERE.


This one-hour workshop is exactly the foundation you need...

monstera leaf



Plan, map, and perfect your customer journey with my foundational Business Freedom Framework

Regular Price $97

BFF Workshop - Customer Journey Training - Cheryl Rerick
Roberta Testimonial

The BFF Workshop might be just what you need if:

  • 1.

    You’ve taken courses from some internet gurus, you know all about lead magnets and a welcome sequence, but you're still confused about what ELSE you should have in place. What comes next? How does that work in YOUR business?

    What you really want is a clear roadmap and a tool that can layer it over your unique business.

  • 2.

    You’re a busy hustlin’ entrepreneur, and you’re TIRED. You’re consistently the bottleneck in your business, doing #allthethings. You want to implement automation, but have no idea where to start, what it can do, or how to go about setting it all up.

    What you do know is that you want out of the messy middle of your business so you can start running it.

Who is this best for?

You're a service provider, coach, or course creator feeling lost in the weeds of online business

You've never strategically mapped your client journey

You want to work ON your business, but you're too busy working IN your business... and you don't know how to get off that hamster wheel

You feel like your follow up game is a little weak

You're a little confused about all the email marketing sequences

You want another set of eyes on your business to pinpoint where you could improve and plug potential gaps

You're hoping to hire a VA, but you want a strategy and priorities for what to delegate

You're thinking about investing in new software, and wanting to be strategic about it

You're planning on implementing any type of automation

The first step is to have a plan

What is a BFF Workshop?

A pre-recorded 1-hour workshop where I teach you my 3 phase, 9-step foundational Business Freedom Framework™:


You’ll start with a solid foundation - the framework basics

You’ll map out your entire customer journey

You’ll layer my BFF framework over your business as it is right NOW

You’ll clearly see any gaps, and make an action plan to fill them

You’ll make some priorities to get you to the quickest cash (it’s probably not what you think)

Then you can decide where automation can make the biggest difference for you

After this workshop, you'll walk away with:

Clarity… and confidence that you know exactly how  people are experiencing your brand

A strategic plan to fill any holes in your business and funnels where you are losing clients

➙ My BFF Mapping Tool that you can use over and over again to map out your Customer Journey, stop dropping leads through the cracks, love on your clients more, and make more sales.  

Hopefully, some fresh new ideas to implement  🙌


The framework is like a compass… it’s something you’ll be able to come back to time and time again as your business evolves and changes.

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'Cause the best tech can't fix a broken plan

What’s included:

The Business Freedom Framework™ Masterclass

The BFF Workbook

The BFF  Mapping Tool

The BFF Mapping Tool Training Video


Bonus video:
Behind the Scenes of a Customer Journey Automation

You’ll walk away with instant clarity on your customer journey, where you need to focus first, where to start with automation, and you’ll also have some handy tools you can refer back to time and time again.   

BFF Workshop - Customer Journey Training - Cheryl Rerick

Here's what to expect...

After you check out, you'll get an email with the details to login to your Dashboard

Watch the BFF Masterclass and download the workbook. I’ll teach you my foundational BFF method, and you’ll layer it over your business and identify where you should be spending your time for the greatest return on your profit

Watch the BFF Mapping Tool training, and grab your own copy to start using right away

You walk away with instant clarity on your customer journey, where you need to focus first, where to start with automation, and you’ll also have my handy BFF Mapping Tool you can refer back to time and time again

Cheryl Rerick

So you've got questions...

If you've never intentionally mapped out how your clients experience your brand and created strategies from that, then this is exactly where you should start. 

Generally, if you are feeling super overwhelmed with email marketing, chaotic client communication, onboarding, missed follow-up opportunities, and lack of reviews and referrals… then it’s probably perfect for you! 

And even if everything is running really smoothly in your business, it's foundational stuff that should be revisited frequently.

Nope! You don't need anything specific for this workshop.

My Business Freedom Framework™ is more about strategy and mapping out the processes while also identifying and filling any gaps. 

This is not an implementation training.

I can offer tech suggestions if you like, and I have discounts available for some of my favorites. 

But you'll be able to implement what you learn using whatever tools you are comfortable with.

Want my eyeballs on your business? 

When you checkout, you'll have the option to add a private 90-minute strategy session and we'll work together to uncover the blocks and weak spots and make a plan to fix them.  


Implementation is not included. 

The BFF Workshop is a strategy training, where you'll map out your customer journey, find and fill any gaps, and identify where automation will make the biggest difference.

Oh, and also where to start for the quickest profit... because let's be real, that's why we're all here. 

Well... yes AND no...

I can't map out your customer journey without your input. Same goes for your current processes and your tech setup. I need your valuable input on those parts. 

This is foundational stuff you really need to do as an entrepreneur, coach, or course creator. Having this clarity and a strategic plan will actually HELP you to hire out the work if you choose to go that route in the future. 

And then YES...

Once you've done the work, I can absolutely handle your tech implementation!  

I created my VIP Automation Day packages to do exactly that for you- FAST.  




Sorry, no. Due to the low cost and the digital nature of this program, it's non-refundable. 

I have used this framework and tool in my own business for years, and I've used it with countless happy clients. I know it'll be helpful for you as well! 

If for some reason you are not satisfied, I'd love to hear your feedback. Please reach out to me at [email protected] with any concerns.



Thinking of skipping this part?

Don’t waste time automating ANYTHING in your business until you’ve mapped out your Business Freedom Framework™.


This is foundational stuff, my friend. You’ve gotta have a solid game plan in place. 

'Cause the best tech can’t fix a broken plan

This is a lens through which you can analyze your business- and something you can come back to time and again. It’s timeless.

You can always layer this framework over your business and find areas to implement or improve - no matter what stage you’re in. 

This is the very first step you must take on your journey to more balance + freedom

And I have all the tools to make it faster + easier for you

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