You bring the idea, I'll implement the tech

“I wish someone would just swoop in and do the damn thing for me”

Ever feel like that?

Then my VIP AUTOMATION DAY is for you

Cheryl Rerick

Sure, you want automation and funnels to do the heavy lifting to free up your time, and online marketing tools that pull everything together in one neat little bow so that people fall in love with you forevermore (and buy from you forevermore)...


But... damn. 


It's overwhelming. And confusing. And feels soul-sucking at times to figure it all out.  


What you REALLY want is for someone to break it down into simple steps that are easy to understand. Even better if they could just implement it for you right off the jump. 


And imagine there was a super powerful tool that could solve so many of your entrepreneurial problems all at once.  


What if I told you that you could fast-forward through all the nitty-gritty tech details?

monstera leaf



The done-for-you implementation service that gets you automated in just 1 day

VIP Day mockup

What is a VIP Day?

In a nutshell, this is my signature service where you will have my full attention on your business for one full working day. 


We’ll decide exactly what I’m going to work on and get everything prepped beforehand so I can get right to work on your day. 


Since this package is based on a set of hours (7 to be exact), there are no specific deliverables. We’ll strategize together in advance and decide on your priorities, and then I’ll hit the ground running.   

You can be confident that during your VIP Day, you'll have my 100% focus

papasan and pampas grass

Generally, my VIP Automation Day clients fit into one of two categories:

  • 1.

    You’ve tried the DIY route and it’s left you confused, exhausted, and so damn overwhelmed with what to automate and how.

    What you really want is for someone to just effing handle it already.

  • 2.

    You don’t mind learning new things, and you’ve dabbled a bit. But you are busy. Like WAY busy. You have big plans, but in order to keep moving forward, you need some hands-on help.

    Like yesterday.

So... what's possible in a day?

The options are endless, but here are a few examples of things we can implement in your business...

Keap Pro onboarding and set up, including your sales pipeline, calendar synced and appointment links set up, contact import from your current system, and backend admin set up

Tag strategy and implementation

Email campaigns and funnels - the number will depend on the type/size/complexity- we’ll nail that down in our strategy meeting. Likely 1-2 larger ones, or 3-4 smaller ones

Set-up your online course platform and upload your course modules and worksheets, and the integrations with your other tech

Custom requests

journal and phone


Check out the FAQs below, then apply for a Custom VIP Day and I’ll let you know if it’s a good fit.  

Overwhelmed and not sure what you need? 

You’re exactly who this is for! Don’t stress. Before the big day, we'll have a pre-consultation where I'll walk you through my Business Freedom Framework audit so we are super clear on what strategies will bring in the most profit in your unique business. 

Who is a VIP Day best for?

A VIP Automation Day is the answer to your tech woes if… 

You have a lead magnet or an offer ready to go, but need the opt-in and email campaign set up

You have a launch coming up

You want to implement some funnels, but don't know how to get everything working together

You wanna get started with automation, an email list, and a CRM, but don’t know how to start or what you need

You want a foolproof system for consistently following up with leads (because you know the money is always in the follow up)

Your email contact segmentation is haphazard and disorganized

You created an online course, but the tech set-up is holding you back

YOU are consistently the bottleneck in your business, and you want things to run without you having to complete every little task

You want this done and dusted… like yesterday

What’s included in your VIP day:

Pre-consultation to strategize + set goals for the day

Detailed Project Plan

Me, working on your business for a full, uninterrupted, dedicated day

Wrap up session

14 days of email support for questions



An exclusive discount on Keap Pro software (for new signups)



$3000 USD

Custom Project

Have a specific project you're working on? 

Have a different tech tool you need help with? 

Want me to set up your online course platform?

Want to spend a day strategizing with me? 

Let me know what you have in mind and I'll see if we can make it happen. 

Keap logo


Go from zero to automated in only one day.

Perfect for you to jump into automation and email marketing with the best software on the market.


Keap Pro onboarding + set-up

Admin set-up

Calendar sync + appointment links (incl appointment reminder automation and Zoom integration)

Contact import from your current email system

Tag strategy implementation

Sales Pipeline set-up

... AND choice of 2-4 email campaigns/funnels (including landing pages and checkout forms)

Keap logo

Keap Pro Level-up

Already set-up and using Keap Pro? 

Have a Launch coming up?

Want to put something on evergreen? 

Need help setting up some new email campaigns or funnels?

Want to customize your Sales Pipeline? 

Tags a mess, and you want to get organized? 

Depending on size and complexity, choice of 2-6 email campaigns/funnels (including landing pages and checkout forms)


Lead capture

Lead magnet delivery

Tripwire or self-liquidating offer (SLO funnel)

Welcome sequence

Quiz sequence

Nurture sequence (short or long)

Self-segmenting sequence

Multi-day challenge sequence

Webinar sequence (invite, replay, follow-up)

Sales or promo sequence

Onboarding sequence

Referral request sequence

Testimonial request sequence

Book a consultation sequence

Consultation follow-up sequence

Digital course engagement sequence

... or we can create a custom campaign just for you 

  • Don't know what any of this means?

    Don't sweat it. My BFF framework will tell us exactly what you need. We'll cover it in our pre-consultation.

Here's how this is gonna go down...


First, click the button above to apply for your VIP Day.

Answer a couple of questions so I can make sure a VIP Day is a good solution for you. Then we'll book a free call where I can learn more about your goals for the day, and you can ask any questions you might have.  


Now we know you're a great fit for a VIP Day, let's hold your date.

I'll send you a link to submit payment, sign an agreement, and then book your prep-consultation on my calendar. 


We'll meet for a 60-90 min prep-consultation, and set goals and priorities for the day. We'll go over all the automation in detail. If you’re not sure what you need, I can make recommendations. 

Then I'll send you a Project Plan doc that we'll collaborate on, so we can maximize our time together.


Your day has arrived!

I spend a full uninterrupted business day working ONLY on your business, using my proven framework to really move the needle for you in only one day.


After your VIP Day, we'll schedule a wrap-up session where I'll go over everything that was done and teach you anything you need to know to manage it going forward, including video tutorials where necessary. 

You'll also have 14 days of email support for any questions that come up. 

Cheryl Rerick

Here's how this is gonna go down...


First, click the button above to apply for your VIP Day package.

Then answer a couple of questions so I can make sure we are a great fit and that a VIP Day is a good solution for you. 


Now we know you're a great fit for a VIP Day, let's hold your date.

I'll send you a link to book your day on my calendar, then you'll submit payment and sign a contract. 


Fill in your workbook so we can maximize our time together.

Then we'll meet for a 60-90 min pre-consultation, and we set goals for the day. If you’re not sure what to prioritize, I’ll do a BFF audit on where your business is at now and make recommendations. 


Your day has arrived!

I spend a full uninterrupted business day working ONLY on your business, using my proven framework to really move the needle for you in only one day.


After your VIP Day, we'll schedule a wrap-up session where I'll go over everything that was done and teach you anything you need to know to manage it going forward. 

You'll also have 14 days of email support for any questions that come up. 

Cheryl Rerick

That's cool and all, but you have questions...

No prob! When you’re deep in the weeds of tech overwhelm, it can be hard to see beyond it. 


Generally, if you are feeling super overwhelmed with email marketing, all the back and forth to book appointments, chaotic client communication, and missed follow-up opportunities… then it’s probably perfect for you! 

But go ahead and fill out the application and I’ll have a look. If I’m not sure either, I’ll reach out to schedule a quick 15min chat so we can both gain some clarity on what you need. 


My other done-for-you project packages are booked out, so this is currently the only way you can have me work directly on implementation in your business.

Other than that, I can offer ongoing agency services which include one-on-one strategy coaching, Keap management, and custom campaign building, which requires an ongoing retainer starting at $2500/month on a 3 or 6-month contract. However, the project turnaround time in my agency program is generally 14-30 days.

With a VIP Day, you get on my calendar much sooner, we get a LOT done, and you have a 1-day turnaround on your project.

For best results- YES!

We don’t want to run into a scenario where I have a question and you are not available to answer it. That could throw a wrench in our progress. 

You are not required to be fully available, but I’ll be able to get more done on your project if I'm able to reach you. And we both want this day to be the most productive it can be. 


You will have my full, undivided attention for 7 hours. I generally work from 9 am - 5 pm Pacific Time, with a lunch/movement break. 

VIP Days have limited availability- around 4 per month. 

For that day, you’ll be the only thing on my schedule.

I often schedule VIP Days on a weekend, so we can have our pre-consultation at the end of the week, I get to work, and then by Monday morning, you're all set up and ready to hit the ground running with your new systems. 

If that doesn't work for you, I usually have some weekday availability as well. 


Well… yes and no. 

Keap Pro is the CRM and automation platform this package was designed for. 

It’s by far the best software solution for most of my clients who want to implement automation. It’s really the best there is. It’s designed specifically to serve entrepreneurs from 1-25 employees, and considers our needs at every step. I love it, it’s my fave, and I think you’ll love it too. 

If you’re new to Keap Pro, I have AMAZING exclusive deals just for my clients and I’d be happy to get you started. And if the thought of starting something new is overwhelming to you, you can definitely use your VIP Day for Keap onboarding and set up, if you choose. 

More importantly, I have a framework for working in Keap, and many templates, meaning I can do
So.Much.More. in WAY less time than by using other tools. And my desire for our VIP Day is to make the most impact in the shortest amount of time. 

However, I am open to working with other tools depending on the project.
Go ahead and fill out an application for the Custom VIP Day and let me know what you’re thinking and I’ll get back to you. 

An example might be setting up your digital course on your digital course platform.

Another example- I could move your WordPress website over to WpEngine hosting (the best in the biz for service, speed, and security).  Or I could set your email up on Google Workspace.

I will only accept applications where I know I can make a 3-5 phase impact for you in a single day.

Copywriting- I’m not a professional copywriter. I can build out email campaigns and opt-in pages and landing pages with placeholder text if you haven’t written your copy yet. But to be most effective, ideally, you’ll already have your copy written in a Google Doc or on a Trello board.


Graphic design- you must already have any logos/graphics you want to use ready to go. Or I can use placeholder images. 


Moving existing email campaigns from your email autoresponder over to Keap Pro. This is usually a free service offered by Keap when switching from a competitor, but the turnaround time is more than 30 days. Depending on the campaigns, I may be able to re-create one or several (depending on the complexity) in a day, but it’s doubtful I could rebuild a whole library of past campaigns in a single day. We can chat about this in our pre-consultation - there are times when you might want to migrate past campaigns, but most of the time it isn’t necessary. 

I’ll send you a detailed checklist and instructions once we’re set up with a date booked and payment made.

Depending on the project, I’ll likely need passwords (we can use LastPass if you like), your content and copywriting, images, logos, brand style guide (if you have one), etc. 


Yeah friend, I got you. You are some of my favorite clients to work with! We can usually make major moves in the direction of clarity and efficiency for you- and you’ll have a plan moving forward.  

I’ll take you through my BFF Audit in our pre-consultation and we’ll be able to easily identify some priorities for you.

I’ll make recommendations that I think will make the greatest impact for your biz, we’ll execute them on your VIP Day, and then I’ll give you homework so you’ll know where to focus your time moving forward.

Of course! Fill out an application, and I’ll let you know if I think we’ll need more time.

Perhaps a custom 2-day package or a 3-day weekend package will suit your needs. 


Generally no, because VIP Days have a quick turnaround.  

But if you are booking further in advance, we can absolutely make a custom payment plan. 

The final payment must be paid in full 1 week before your VIP Day.


I only take 4 superstars like you each month. So fill out an application and we’ll get you on my calendar ASAP (payment isn’t due until your date is booked). 

Choose your package here. 


I can't wait to get started!


Don't let tech implementation hold you back

Let me take it from here...

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