Ever feel so burnt out + overwhelmed as a course creator or coach, and all the marketing stuff feels completely unnatural to you?

Yeah, SAME.

The reason it feels so hard is because it wasn’t made for us

Real talk:

Marketing is a very masculine space. Most of the so-called “best practices” are created by men, for men in the golden age of pushy marketing. 


And everyone else is so conditioned to do things in this ultra masculine energy - especially in marketing - that there’s this exhaustion that comes over us. (yup, everyone... men feel this imbalance too) 


Like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Which is a lot of damn work. #amiright?

monstera leaf

What we're used to:

#winning  #wintheday #hustle #killingit  #numberone 

… striving, competing, pressure, and wanting more, more, more


'Doing' over 'being'

monstera leaf

What we need more of:

#balance #connection #rest #trust #relationships #ease 

… success on our own terms, without pushing all the time   

'Being' over 'doing'

Let's reimagine how marketing can flow with balanced energy

...which is all about less pressure, more ease, and moving with inspired action

Hey, I’m Cheryl,
your new biz BFF +
resident #technerd

I love finding ways to use technology to make life + business easier...


I teach course creators and coaches -  like you - to build a business that works hard, even when you don’t,  so you can finally get that life balance you crave.

Cause life happens, and when it does, you’ll want your business to keep thriving. 

  But let’s do it without using outdated icky marketing tactics, yeah? 


Together, let’s lean into a way of marketing that actually works in alignment with the lifestyle we want, so we can get off that perpetual hamster wheel of #hustling and #striving that is the current status quo.

Cheryl Rerick
outdoor sofa

Now, I've been on this journey for awhile...

Having been in some type of sales + marketing for over 23 years (as in back when we all had thin eyebrows, mine are still recovering)...


I’m constantly noticing how we, as entrepreneurs, have to contort and show up in ways that are not in our nature in order to do all-the-things and follow all-the-so-called-rules


Well, I’m over it. Maybe you are too.

My Mission:

Teaching entrepreneurs like you to set up your online business to work FOR you, so that you can do LESS.


Less overwhelm. More impact. More income. More balance.

palm separator

It all starts with my business freedom framework™

... so you can work smarter, not harder.

Like that one friend that always tells you the brutal truth-

monstera leaf

imma get real on you for a sec

Cheryl Rerick

Chances are, if you’ve been trying to fit into traditional marketing, you’re probably close to wanting to throw in the towel.

It's time to stop suppressing the things that you’re naturally amazing at. You’ve been doing a lot of that.


But also- you’ve gotta learn the things that'll allow you to truly leverage your time.  


And I’m here to tell you, the answer lies in SYSTEMS. 


Once you finally set up your business to work even when you can’t - that’s the freedom you’ve been seeking.

  The freedom to take time off with your kids

  Or to tell Netflix "yes, I'm still here" while you enjoy an afternoon to yourself

  To have space to work within your natural, cyclical creative ebbs and flows

  And to still have your business ticking along, peaceful and profitable

That’s the freedom you deserve

The opportunity is here… the time has never been better. 

If we could hang out together #IRL…

We’d grab an extra-hot flat white and hang at the dog park. 

Enjoy lunch on a patio overlooking the water. Make friends with the bartender. 

There’s a good chance we’d laugh until we cry about something stupid.

Followed by an evening of red wine and popcorn… Olivia Pope style.

Cheryl Rerick in a hammock

If we could hang out together #IRL…


We’d grab an extra-hot flat white and hang at the dog park. 

Grab lunch on a patio overlooking the water. Make friends with the bartender. 

There’s a good chance we’d laugh until we cry about something stupid.

Followed by an evening of red wine and popcorn… Olivia Pope style.

what it's like around here

monstera leaf

There will be naps

I believe in pouring your soul into what you do. I also believe rest is productive. We will work smarter, and make room for downtime.

Rest is how we connect to our creativity.




We went out on our own to forge our own path. We are human beings, and for many of us, this means we are also parents, partners, caregivers, pet owners, etc…


We wear a lot of hats at the same time. Top-knot and leggings? Basically my uniform. Still in your night bonnet? You look great. Sticky kids running around in the background? Ya me too. Dog barking at the Amazon delivery? Same. Gotta breastfeed a baby? Been there (x3).

This is real life, it’s okay to show it (yes, even on Zoom calls).



We make big juicy goals 

We’re gonna take up space. Lots of it. We’ll speak up, confidently, and own our strengths. We plan with intention, trust our intuition, take inspired action, and make big waves in the world. We’ll make big bold goals, crush them, and enjoy the freedom it brings to our lives.



We don’t invest in busywork 

We’re not about that #hustlelife. We work smarter, do less, and make the most bank for the least amount of time invested. We charge for our expertise, not our hours. We are strategic. We are careful about where we put our energy. We're learning to embrace our cyclical nature and work with our creative ebbs and flows. We continue to prioritize balance.



We cut the crap

Toxic positivity isn’t getting us anywhere. If you’re having a shitty time, or you need help, it’s okay to say so. We avoid comparing our journey to others who are further along than us. We re-imagine the sleazy sales tactics of old, into authentic connection-building opportunities. We don’t have it all figured out, but tomorrow is another day and we'll keep growing.



We learn always 

We are lifelong students. We own our failures and learn from them. We're ever-evolving. Like Maya Angelou says, when we know better, we do better.

We bring the big grit. We persevere. We innovate new solutions. We collaborate- we are always better together. We lift each other up. We show up. We give our clients our very best.

Want me all up in your business?

You can fast-forward through the tech implementation part...

Want me all up in your business?

You can fast-forward through the tech implementation part...

palm separator

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