*missed the free class? you can still catch it here

*missed the free class? you can still catch it here

Deliverability Unboxed

Time-sensitive question for course creators, coaches, + email marketers...

How much are you counting on people getting your emails in 2024?

If your answer is "Well yes... I really am counting on that"...


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Stickman pointing

Everything you know (and don’t know) about email marketing has changed… 

Google and Yahoo have a *new rule book* and it's now harder to get into the inbox. And if you use email to both connect with your audience and to sell your offers, there's nothing more important than that. 

Pop Quiz:


You have an email list (or are growing one)


You still want to be able to reach them in 2024 and beyond

Then these changes affect you


Here's the situation:

  • Google changed the email deliverability rules and how senders can get in the inbox 

  • Yahoo followed suit

  • Microsoft was already a pain in the ass (so ditto for them)

  • If you don’t follow the new rules, your emails could go to spam (and won’t get out)

  • OR… they won’t be delivered at all (aka get stuck in Google Jail)

  • Following the rules isn’t as cut-and-dry as it sounds… especially if you already have a list and are emailing using a borrowed reputation

  • For best results, things need to be done carefully and in a certain order

  • Enforcement started in February 2024, increased in April, and full compliance required by June 2024 to avoid disruption... so if you're just learning this now, time is of the essence


But you...

... don’t understand WTF any of it means

... want to avoid it (desperately) 

... don’t “feel” it’s as urgent as it is

... need email to make an income

... feel pressure to do "something"

... don't know  what that "something" should be

Confused stickman
Zach Spuckler testimonial
Janelle testimonial

If you're blocked from emailing your subscribers, nothing else matters...

You know how they say email has the highest ROI of all the marketing channels? 


All the money, time, effort, and strategy you have spent on list growth, lead magnets, paid ads, copywriting, launches, evergreen funnels, flash sales,  Manychat, etc, etc…

None of it matters if you can’t reach your current (and future) subscribers in their inbox

truth stickman
Cheryl Rerick

But hey... here's some good news

You can still jump in and implement these changesand make all of those other “marketing things” worth doing.


A little bit of time spent now to make sure you'll still be seeing ROI on alllll the other strategies you've been implementing? Easy decision.  



How good will it feel to:

  • Understand *enough* about deliverability to unclench your buttcheeks, satisfy the email overlords, and make sure your emails get seen
  • Stop trying to decipher incomplete information from your ESP, slogging through snooze-fest tech articles, or panic-binging overly dramatic YouTube videos (that all seem to contradict each other)
  • Have simple and bite-size trainings with clear instructions that you can fit into your already busy life
  • Get your questions answered asynchronously, so you don’t have to sit around for your turn on a long drawn-out Zoom call
  • Build a solid reputation on your own domain, so that when you send emails, Google knows you’re one of the good ones
  • Be chillin’ when all your peers (and competitors) are spiraling trying to figure this out
  • STILL be the one with your emails consistently landing in the inbox,  getting opened and read by your subscribers


without slogging your way through a giant course or needing to hire someone on Fiverr— who may (or may not?) know what they’re doing— every time you need to tweak something.


stickman getting email

This isn't just about setting up your authentication
(don’t worry → we will)

It’s about learning the best practices and essentials of deliverability so you can actually understand WTF is going on...


… and feel confident that your emails will still be a main source of income for you in 2024 and beyond.

Juci Kisistok testimonial

"Deliverability Unboxed is, hands down, one of the best online programs I've bought lately...

Cheryl does an amazing job breaking down daunting and technical topics in a simple and approachable way, so no matter where you lie on the tech-savviness spectrum, you're in safe hands with her. This email authentication stuff could have inspired me to set my computer on fire if it wasn't for her straightforward, step-by-step, and utterly invaluable guidance.

- Juci Kisistok 

Vittoria testimonial

"You, my friend, are like an email marketing wizard!

Your guidance turns overwhelming tasks into manageable, enjoyable experiences.

- Vittoria Daelli
Certified Digital Marketer and Funnel Builder

Alasdair Jones

"Cheryl is a super smart coach, with a classy approach to marketing...

Nothing like the aggressive tactics I've seen elsewhere. Her superpower is real empathy, meaning that I am completely confident in presenting the value of my program, but in a way that persuades and reassures the right people, while rejecting bad fits - and all on autopilot.

- Alasdair Jones

Hold up!

Before you bail on this Chrome tab,
hear me out...

I know you want to do this right now about as much as you want a root canal. Your gut instinct is to ignore (and avoid) the whole thing and pretend it’s not a big deal (... some people might even be telling you it’s no big deal).


The thing is... you can’t ignore this. 'Cause Google and Yahoo? They don't discriminate. The new rules apply to all businesses, big and small. What worked in 2023 won't work in 2024, and definitely not in 2025.


And if you dwell on it too much, it can feel like the game is rigged against solopreneurs and small business. But look at it this way… 


You are in the best scenario to make this work to your advantage. Why? 


For one… you’ve scrolled this far down the page (hi!  👀). You understand this is a big deal, and you’ve already decided to learn more about it… 

(that's a bigger deal than you think it is)


And two… inboxes are going to be a cleaner, calmer place come due to these changes. And you have a clear chance to stand out


→ Connecting and building relationships is what we do best, and your people need you to show up for them. 

happy stickman

This year, a lot of people are in for a surprise

But youNah, you’re all good. 

Your emails are getting delivered and opened → and people are buying your offers. All b
ecause you took the easy path and got everything set up properly now... 

Bring it 2024


(psst... hi 2024. Just kidding. Pls don't bring anything. We could all use a boring year. K thx) 

Katharina Ritschl

Have we met? I'm Cheryl Rerick

I’m an email marketing strategist, automation engineer (aka super tech-nerd), and creator of the Automate and Chill™ method. I'm high-key obsessed with helping you make more passive sales, free up hours each week, and create a life-proof business… all with your emails. 


If you’ve ever met me, you know that I really truly care about the real-life humans on my email list – and I also love our bubble of an online community of course creators, coaches, and creative entrepreneurs ( ← y’all are my people).


As an EmailSmart Certified Deliverability Expert, when I heard about the changes coming to email deliverability and how they were going to affect… well, everyone... I knew I had to sound the alarm to my village of internet friends. 


In November 2023, I started looking at the emails I get in my own inbox from lists I’m subscribed to, and I noticed OVER 80% were not in compliance with the new rules. Even from some of the biggest names in the email marketing space (ahh the stars… they’re just like you!


That’s when I realized I needed to move quickly to prepare as many people as possible. Because I know, for most of us, email marketing quite literally puts food on the table.


I reached out to my good friends Adrian and Evan at EmailSmart— the real OG's of deliverability— and they were immediately onboard to help. 


Together, we mapped out a series of workshops to help you implement the most critical updates quickly and easily... 

Cheryl Rerick
EmailSmart Founding partner
Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


Deliverability Unboxed

Your Guide to Email Success for Google + Yahoo’s new era
…so you can hit send with confidence (and stay out of Google Jail)

In this workshop series, we’ll unbox the most urgent, most important things to make sure you’re compliant with Google and Yahoo's new updates.


I know this stuff might feel intimidating and overwhelming. And that’s the mind frame I had as I planned out this workshop series for you… it's designed to be easy to implement and fit into your already busy life. 


  • Pre-recorded and available on demand
  • Short, actionable sessions
  • Speed and playback control and closed captioning
  • Choose which workshops are relevant for you
  • Tutorials for every major email platform
  • Submit any questions you have, and scroll the Q&A bank of other people's questions
Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


Google & Yahoo's New Era: Welcome to 2024

  • What you need to know to navigate the upcoming email changes with confidence 

  • What are they doing, and why are they doing it? (spoiler: it’s not to make your life harder, even though it feels that way)

  • How email really works behind-the-scenes

  • Where your responsibility lies as an email marketer in 2024

Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


Unboxing Your Email Street Cred

  • What's your score? How to check your domain reputation (and see if you have one yet), so you know where you're starting from

  • Not everyone is in the same boat, so in this session we’ll look at your situation and make a plan

  • Setting up Postmaster Tools 

  • Getting a read on this before authenticating will set you up for a smoother transition

Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


The Trustworthy Domain

Choose this workshop if you're starting from scratch with a new list or new domain, have a fairly small list, and want to establish a good reputation from the start...

  • Building a stellar email reputation on your own real estate (when it comes to your digital reputation, your domain is all you have)

  • Domain Warm-up: go from a "nobody" to a trusted sender in the eyes of Google

  • Optional: How to buy a domain and set up Cloudflare DNS 

  • Optional: Setting up Google Workspace as your business inbox - with guest teacher Dara Sklar 

Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


Domain Reputation Bootcamp

Choose this workshop if you have an established list, a larger list, or a list you rely on financially...

  • As a power user, making changes may feel higher risk and you want to handle it with great care (← I gotchu)

  • Switching from borrowing your ESP’s reputation (not having DKIM), to establishing your own domain as a trusted sender

  • How to plan a gradual, safer transition 

  • Show Google you're the BOSS, and open for business

Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


Certified Senders Only

  • Your easy guide to email authentication the right way, to meet the new standards

  • Never done it? We'll set up your new records together (it's not hard when you have the formula) 

  • Think you’re already authenticated? We’ll double-check (because come February, Google will be checking for you

  • Finally, understand what the heck DNS is and how it works

  • SPF: publishing your "approved sender's list" 

  • DKIM: creating your "wax seals" and secret keys 

  • DMARC: setting your "contingency plan" 

Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


Sender Success

  • What to watch for to keep your reputation with Google in good standing

  • Set up reporting for unauthorized use of your domain

  • Understand how to read DMARC reports  

  • Set up reporting for blocklists

  • Feel in control of your own sender reputation and digital security

Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series


Keeping It Clean

  • Managing subscriber engagement for Google's new era

  • Re-engagement campaign planning

  • List scrubbing for a long-term healthy and active email list

  • Make a list hygiene policy and create your SOPs (so you always know what you need to do, when you need to do it)

Q&A Bank

So you'll probably have questions...

Listen... pretty much *nobody* has extra time to be dealing with Google's sh... nanigans 👀  right now, least of all you. 


→ I'm going to do us all a favor and answer your questions asynchronously. Which means no having to sit through hours and hours of Zoom calls. (*exhale* )


Each workshop will have a form to submit your questions, and then I'll add a Q&A Bank to each one. You'll get your own questions answered AND benefit from what others ask... 


... all without having to comb your hair, scooch the pile of Amazon boxes out of your Zoom background, or show up on camera in an awkward time zone.

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Dara Sklar testimonial
Janell Bitton testimonial
Deliverability Unboxed


with  the Deliverability Unboxed  Workshop Series


2 Payments of



  • Access to all 6 On-Demand Workshops
  • Multiple short and actionable sessions in each workshop
  • Checklists + worksheets
  • Q&A Bank
  • Submit your questions


  • Recorded Q&A Session with founders of EmailSmart
  • Free Email Health Check with the EmailSmart Software (for compatible ESPs)


1 Payment of



  • Access to all 6 On-Demand Workshops
  • Multiple short and actionable sessions in each workshop
  • Checklists + worksheets
  • Q&A Bank
  • Submit your questions


  • Recorded Q&A Session with founders of EmailSmart
  • Free Email Health Check with the EmailSmart Software (for compatible ESPs)
Cindi Conley
Elaine testimonial
mix tape

The Mix Tape Guarantee

When you enroll in the Deliverability Unboxed Workshop Series, you'll be learning essential foundations for email marketing that will benefit you for years to come. 

Take 7 days
and watch the first 2 workshops... and if you feel like you're not in the right place, then shoot an email over to [email protected] with the subject line WTF Cheryl??” and we’ll hit the 'ol rewind button. 


** If you're under the age of say... 35, the rewind button was when we'd put a cassette tape into a boombox to listen to music, and when you wanted to go back to the beginning, you'd push the rewind button and sit and wait... oh nevermind. What I mean is that I'll give you your money back if it's not for you.     

"Thanks for being an absolute rockstar....

Your workshops have make me feel so confident about these records and what they mean and stand for and in a weird way you've empowered me to choose a better host and domain registrar with responsive customer service. I really can't thank you enough and your teaching style just rocks!

- Nimisha Kantharia

Jessica testimonial

"Cheryl is so experienced in email and email deliverability...


Her brain thinks so strategically, and always looks at the big picture. But she has this incredible talent for breaking things down into smaller, manageable tasks we can implement fast.

- Jessica Brooks
UX Sales Page Copywriter


"Cheryl is a strategic email wizard...

She is such a resource and has been really helpful making sure my email game is top notch both inside the funnel and out!

- Michelle Pontvert
Life-First Business Mentor & Educator

Barb Brimhall testimonial

"Perfect for anyone who wants to successfully navigate the technical aspects of their domain email....

She teaches you not only the "why", but also the "how". Through a series of short, informative, and, yes, fun, hands-on videos, she logically leads you through what might seem daunting and difficult, and makes it easy and understandable! She even provides resources to help you stay organized with tasks and links to technical options so you can research, learn, and test your results. She also provides insight and best tips for managing email to optimize deliverability in an increasingly challenging business environment.

Her focused training has given me the clarity and confidence to handle all of these necessary changes to multiple domains and apps -- on my own! If you want to be an empowered entrepreneur, I recommend this course.

- Tara Alexandra



It's a confusing mess out there, y'all...

  • A lot of people have been talking about this, and I've seen super confusing and conflicting advice... especially from the ESPs 
  • People who are not experts are sharing about it all over the internet (and spreading misinformation) 
  • This is why I partnered with the BEST in the deliverability industry to bring you this workshop series at an accessible price so you can implement the very BEST practices (and not just skate by on the bare minimum)
  • Because I know you need to get your emails through to make a living and put food on the table


And our online bubble of course creators, coaches, and digital service providers— as solopreneurs and small businesses— has the most to lose.

Jacqui Acree

"I honestly don't know where I'd be without her guidance


I'm kinda tech-averse... it's one of those necessary evils that comes with growing an online business, but it's admittedly my least favourite part. Cheryl makes hard tech things easy. 

Every time I work with Cheryl, my business levels up. 

- Jacqui Acree
EFT Tapping Practitioner

Chloe Williams testimonial

"This Completely changed the way I do email marketing in less than a week...

Cheryl's program is a game changer and you have easily slipped into the top 5 people I admire and look up to in business. I simply cannot wait to learn more from you! 

Thank you for making something so boring (tags), SO exciting!" 

- Chloe Williams
*about the course "WTF are Tags?"


Ahh I see you have have some questions...

(it'd be weird if you didn't) 

Yup. The new rules started going into effect in February 2024, and tightened through to June. So this is already happening, with or without you. 


Future-you will be grateful to current-you for getting this wrapped up and out of the way so you can get back to emailing and not give it another thought. 

Yup. Tons of misinformation out there, spreading like wildfire. And it's not helped that they've changed the details and the timeline multiple times!

A lot of the correct advice can't be a straight answer because it depends on your business, your list size, your current domain reputation, etc. 

To keep the cost of the workshop series super accessible, I’ll be teaching EVERYONE the best practices, not the minimum to skate by. I'm committed to giving you great value for your money and time. 

It's also why I’ve partnered with the EmailSmart- the best in the biz.

These guys have been in the deliverability space for over 20 years years, and they personally know the Postmasters at several major CRMs and ESPs. They collect and study their own data. They know what’s up.

And they're not normally this accessible to solopreneurs/small online biz owners, so I’m proud to be able to bring this high-level access to you.

Yup, the workshops are platform-agnostic.

I've included all the common ones with tutorials, but the concepts are mostly universal. 

Some platforms have better data capabilities and more 3rd party integrations, but the basic foundations that we'll be covering will apply to every major ESP and CRM. 

Nothing is needed, you can cover your bases without additional investment. 

There are some pretty great add-on tools I’ll mention along the way, but those are completely optional (and may or may not be a fit for your unique business).

Yes, you can. This workshop series was designed with you in mind. 

I have full faith that you can do this if you just stick with me. 

If you get in there and still feel like you just can’t with it, you can snag the special discounted rate I’ve secured with EmailSmart and they’ll just do your authentication for you.

Absolutely. You can submit your questions on the form inside each workshop.

I'll add the answers to the Q&A bank, so this way you can get your own questions answered, and benefit from what other people are asking too. 

All without having to sit on a Zoom call for 2 hours. 

*If you have a question that's unique to you, I'll answer it personally

Nobody does. This was on NO ONE’s bingo card.

Imagine how much time it’ll take you to Google and YouTube all this? And learn the lingo?

Are the articles and videos recent? Does the person really understand it? How will you know? Are they teaching businesses like yours? 

Nobody has time for all that noise. 

Take the easy route, and get the workshops

Or take the even easier route and have the team at EmailSmart handle your authentication for you. See their done-for-you offer here.  

Ahhh… you probably missed the webinar where I broke it all down. No prob, you can still catch that here on demand.  

We'll also go over it in the workshops. 

In a nutshell, it’s how you prove who you are. Like a digital ID that your emails show to prove they’re being sent from you, and that you’re not a spammer. 

If you've heard terms like SPF, DKIM, DMARC… these all fall under the banner of authentication, and we’ll be teaching you all about them, what they mean, and how to implement them correctly.

Tough call. Google (and Yahoo) haven’t said exactly how they’ll handle non-compliance for smaller senders.

But why risk it? We already know these are the best practices, and if you make your income with email marketing, that’s not a gamble you want to take 

For larger senders over 5000 emails in a day, they’ll be much more strict. (read: that's not 5000 subscribers, that's emails sent in one day. So if you have a cart close day with 4 emails, that's only 1250 subscribers)

Google jail is not something you want to find out about. Once the algo has marked you as a potential spammer, you’ll have a hard time changing their mind. EmailSmart can help you with that, but it’s costly and time-consuming.

You can avoid it with just $197 and a few workshops... easy decision. 

Yes! Absolutely, if you just can’t with it all… I completely understand.

Have the team at EmailSmart handle your authentication for you. See their done-for-you offer here.  

*if you also want the workshops to learn about all the other stuff, send me a copy of your EmailSmart receipt to [email protected] and I'll give you the workshops for half price.  

If you have your authentication done, but you still don’t think you “understand it”, come join me for the workshops anyway. 

Going forward, it’s your responsibility to understand and to be able to add/change things whenever it’s needed. And I promise, you don’t want to have to figure it all out at a high-stakes time like a launch. 

The workshops will help you understand the why and the how, and you can feel confident that you can double-check your setup, and change it in the future whenever you need to. 

We’ll also be covering the basics of managing engagement, list cleaning, and re-engagement. These are all skills and habits that will serve you going forward to maintain your stellar domain reputation. 


You can hop in here. 

I would love to hear your questions! 

Email me at [email protected]


missed the free webinar?

you can still catch it on demand here:

Email is the foundation of everything

→ aka the make-it-or-break-it for your 2024

Email is the foundation of everything

→ aka the make-it-or-break-it for your 2024

Stickman pointing

You need this if...


You use email marketing in your business


You sell things with your emails


You’ve been sending with your own domain… but you’ve been borrowing your ESPs sending reputation, and need to establish your own


You’ve been using an @gmail email address (or any other free inbox) for your business, instead of your own domain


You’re new to email marketing and want to start the right way


You’re experienced at email marketing, and losing access to your subscribers would have huge consequences


Fast forward to 2025...

Your peers are still struggling to figure this out, trying to decipher random and confusing advice from a multitude of arguing online voices, spread across 37 Chrome tabs…


And you? You’re chillin’


“Oh yeah… I did that already with Cheryl’s help. I’m sending emails like normal, launching and making offers” 


→ Hmm… sounds to me like you should probably forward this page to your friend… 


So instead you can high-five each other over the sales you’re making from your emails. 


Let’s get this done and dusted so you'll still be getting Stripe notifications into Q4, 2025, and beyond… 


Rather just hand it off to the team at emailsmart?

There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no guarantee that you will make any income at all and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, motivation, and follow-through. The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that the Company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, ideas, tools, strategies, recommendations, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website or presented in our courses and programs.



Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. We make no promises or warranties concerning your likelihood of success, performance, future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth, or results of any kind. You understand that with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers, and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk. You are solely responsible for your results. 



The testimonials, reviews, endorsements, and insights presented are for illustrative purposes only and are applicable to the individuals depicted. The testimonials, reviews, endorsements, and insights are a reflection of the unique experiences and opinions of the individuals depicted. Results may vary and may not be representative of the experience of others using our products and/or services. The testimonials, reviews, endorsements, and insights are not intended to represent, promise, or guarantee that others will achieve the same or similar results. The experiences depicted on the Site may not be typical. Unique experiences and past performances are not predictive of future results. The testimonials, reviews, endorsements, and insights are voluntarily provided and no compensation of any sort was provided in exchange. The testimonials, reviews, endorsements, and insights are published on the Site verbatim as provided by the individuals depicted, except for the correction of grammar or typos. Some extraneous information, irrelevant to the testimonials, reviews, endorsements, and insights may have been removed or shortened for the purpose of brevity or clarity.

If you run into any issues while registering, please contact us at
[email protected]

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